Teija Saraste

Teija Saraste has extensive experience of family law and inheritance law, real estate law and insolvency law, among other things. In our office Saraste is particularly in charge of family and inheritance law matters. She also works as estate administrator and distributor. Saraste deals with legal proceedings and she has passed the mediator’s examination of the Finnish Bar Association. She is a mediator entered in the register of mediators of the Association.
Areas of specialization: Family law, inheritance law, mediation, legal proceedings
Attorney-at-law 2008
Trained at the bench 2004, Lapua district court
Master of law 2002, University of Turku
Teacher of violin playing 1991, Turku music academy
Working experience:
Tempo Attorneys Ltd, attorney-at-law 2019 –
Romo & Ilonen Attorneys Ltd, attorney-at-law 2010 – 2018 and partner 2014 – 2018
Leena Kenttämies Attorneys, assistant lawyer 2004 – 2008, attorney-at-law 2008 – 2010
Lapua district court, clerc 2003
Turku philharmonic orchestra 1990 – 1994, 1995 – 1999
Helsinki philharmonic orchestra 1994 – 1995
Turku music academy, part time teacher of violin playing 1988 – 1994
Positions of trust:
Finnish Bar Association, Häme branch, member of the board 2018 –
Federation of Finnish Lawyers, president of the Hämeenlinna branch, 2017 – 2119
HPK-Junior ice hockey / urban league, cashier 2004 – 2007
Turku philharmonic orchestra, shop steward 1998-2000
Turku Musicians, member of the board 1991 – 2002
Finnish, English